Lookbook WTC
I think an important lesson to learn as a creative and an entrepreneur is to stop needing and start doing. Many people with dreams and goals fail to progress because they wait for others to give them an avenue or give them that big “break”. What happens is you end up working harder to impress someone else to give you an inch and you fail to realize your power. Instead of working harder why not work smarter and create your own way. The first step to creating your own way is to have a GAME PLAN. Utilize your vision board, your journal or your bathroom mirror to write down daily goals and affirmations. Create easy, attainable goals per day that can be completed by the end of the day and make PROGRESS.

Emulating how successful people move is also a great way to achieve similar results. For example, if you see somebody in a top position and you note that they walk with confidence and work strategically versus harder than maybe it’s time to ask the right questions and change your process. Success also does not happen overnight but if you are consistent, strategic, and not just goal oriented but a goal achiever than there is more of a possibility of you seeing success in your life. Acknowledge your light and never dim your light for anyone. Be able to see and visualize yourself in the right positions and soon you will begin to actually be in those positions.

Also, remember that life is a journey and that there is no wisdom without knowledge. Strive to continually learn and better yourself. Eventually, you can become a source of knowledge and people will begin to look to you for instruction. Step into yourself, step into your purpose and never dim your light.

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Written by cnkstylebook
Where black girl magic meets fashion